Sternoclavicular Hypomobility Interventions

This post is an individual project I am doing for Regis University’s fellowship in manual therapy program. The movement of the shoulder requires movement at multiple joints of the shoulder complex1 This includes the sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, scapulothoracic, and glenohumeral joints. There is also evidence that thoracic mechanics affect these shoulder movements as well.2 As a result,…

Podcasts on STAND

This June I went on my second trip with STAND. It was another great experience meeting colleagues, exchanging ideas, and giving back. For those of you unfamiliar with STAND, it is a non-profit organization focused on establishing rehabilitation services in Haiti. Physical therapists have started and continue to run this organization. It is a great…

Osteoporosis and Exercise

Recently, someone I knew was telling me they had osteopenia. They also had a healthcare professional tell them that exercise could not help. This is particularly frustrating to me because there is a fair amount of evidence that exercise can help in osteoporosis. Naturally, a literature review ensued. First of all, there are basically research…

The Resident and Harm

Warning: Some spoilers for the show if you plan on watching. I started watching The Resident TV show on Fox recently. I find it entertaining and it has some good messages. One of these messages is how medical error significantly affects our patients. While this is an uncomfortable topic for healthcare providers, it is a…

Acute Care Physical Therapy Resources

Recently, a friend of mine asked for resources to help him grow as an acute care physical therapist. I realized that these resources could be a helpful resource for others and decided to share them here. I find in an acute hospital setting that increasing medical knowledge can be helpful. I also think a lot…

The Pain Science Post

Pain science is a very loaded topic, that is impossible to cover in a single post. That being said, I would like to introduce a vital topic affecting healthcare and society as a whole. Pain, particularly chronic pain, greatly impacts health, financial, social, and psychological well being. Dr. John Rusin had an interesting Facebook post…

Inspiratory Muscle Training for Performance

I have recently attempt to regain my overall fitness, particularly in running. I have tried to implement some new training strategies to maximize my performance. I have already included barefoot training, altitude training, and some new core re-education exercises. Now, I am interested in exploring the benefits of respiratory muscle training. Research and my clinical…

Why You Need to Be Investing

I am sure many of you have heard either in the news, through others, or from your own personal experience, people are not saving enough for their future. There are many barriers to people saving, but financial literacy is definitely a big reason. Many do not understand the basics of compounding interest over time, or…

U-District Youth Center

Last year, Clinicians for Wellness successfully raised $318.20 for the U-District Youth Center, a Seattle based non-profit. This organization provides social services for homeless youth with the eventual goal of having them transition to adult life. I have not personally volunteered with this organization. However, a friend of mine was familiar with the great community…

Travel Experiment Conclusion: Couchsurfing

Unfortunately, I pretty much failed to utilize the majority of my cost saving strategies on vacation that I brought up in a previous post. This happened for a variety of reasons, but mostly because I found it was just going to be difficult or impossible to do all these things on one trip. Luckily, I…

Health Volunteers Overseas

The last few months I have spent in Asia and have just recently returned to the United States. Most of my time, I spent volunteering with Health Volunteers Overseas. This is my second time volunteering through this organization, which has exposed me to rewarding and unique opportunities to engage in physical therapy abroad. Here is…

Changing Footstrike in Running

Post originally written in April 2017. At the American Physical Therapy Association’s Combined Sections Meeting, I attended a full day course on gait training for runners. It was a great review of running literature and the presenters have put this research into clinical practice rebuilding the technique of a variety of runners. One of their…